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For every woman who’s tried everything to lose
weight but still can’t budge the weight scale…

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(Bonus expires soon! Keep scrolling to learn more)

How 301,852 Women Have Discovered The Secret To Losing 14 Pounds, 6 Inches And 1 Dress Size In 30 Days...
While Eating MORE And Exercising LESS

Danette May.

In a survey of 17,774 participants with 1,586 responding, participants who followed our program and completed all modules lost an average of 14 pounds and 6 inches in 30 days.

Have You Ever Asked Yourself Why
You’ve Tried EVERYTHING To Lose Weight
And Nothing Seems To Be Working?

If you’re like most women I know, you’ve probably asked that question repeatedly over the past few years…

And it’s maddening to think about how you’ve tried everything to lose weight before and nothing seems to be working anymore.

Sad Woman.

It’s like “age” takes over and you’re just a passenger in the back seat…

Watching your body get a little more soft… a little more fatigued… a little more sore and achy every single year.

Well on this page I’m going to show you exactly who is doing that hijacking and how to take back control to lose up to 11lbs in the next 30 days while feeling more energetic, vibrant and alive than you have in YEARS.

I’m not just making those numbers up by the way. At this point I’ve already shown this little-known secret to thousands of women just like you.

ON AVERAGE It’s Helped Our Customers Release 14 Pounds… 6 Inches… And 1 Dress Size Within The First 30 days…

All while eating MORE and exercising LESS than they were before...

Now before I explain how, let me tell you how I first discovered this for myself.

I was on a lunch date with my best friend at our favorite coffee shop, and the second she walked through the door I could immediately tell something was off.

At first, I didn’t say anything, but I could tell by the look on her face that something was wrong.

When I asked her what was wrong, she said she was fine…

But after about 10 minutes she finally broke down and said…

“Danette, something’s not right with me.

You know I’m active, and that I eat pretty healthy most of the time. I haven’t changed anything… but I’ve put on about 15 pounds over the past 6 months and I can’t figure out why. I tried eating even less and working out even more, but nothing is working like it used to…”

Now when she said this, my heart sank a little bit.

Because each time I saw her over the past few months, I’d noticed she was putting on a little weight. I didn’t want to say anything because I didn’t want to make her feel bad. But I could see the frustration and mental exhaustion in her eyes.

Couple Hands.

And the more we talked about it, the more she started opening up to me...

  • She told me she felt defeated and was starting to wear baggy clothes to try and hide her weight (even though it just made her feel worse)...
  • She felt like SHE was doing something wrong, even though I knew she was doing her best…
  • And she said her self-esteem had dropped so much she barely even wanted to leave the house anymore

It broke my heart to hear her, but I also know that these feelings are SO familiar to people struggling with their weight.

And if that sounds like you, I’d like to show you exactly what I explained to her.

Because I’ve discovered one of the exact reasons WHY this happens to women over the age of 40…

And why the “old tricks” like eating even less and working out even more no longer work.

What I’ve found is that traditional ways of losing weight, such as drastically lowering calories, working out longer or any of the millions of different diets out there really don’t apply to women in their 40s, 50s and 60s.

That’s because while these approaches might work in your 20s and 30s...

By The Time You Hit Your 40s Your Hormones
Are COMPLETELY Different
And Therefore Require A New Approach...

If you’re like most women, around the age of 40 you probably noticed that you’re more tired throughout the day and it’s much harder waking up in the morning…

  • You’re a bit more cranky than usual with even little things triggering you…
  • You’re starting to feel the effects of aging such as creaky joints and less overall strength…
  • And it’s so much easier for weight to “stick” to you now than it used to be

Don’t you think it’s a weird coincidence that this all started happening right as the hormones in your body started shifting?

I’m here to tell you it’s not just a random coincidence you can chalk up to bad timing.

The fact is, changes are happening inside your body that make it feel nearly impossible to lose weight…unless you know how to control them.

And that’s what I’m here to help you with.

In fact, if you’ve tried EVERYTHING and nothing has been working for the past few years, I will finally explain why.

Because in the next few minutes I’m going to tell you...

  • What’s ravaging your system and causing EVERY diet to fail, even if you’re trying your hardest...
  • Why your body feels like it's stopped burning fat for energy and is storing it instead (and how to reverse it)…
  • Why almost every calorie you consume is getting transformed into dangerous visceral fat that’s suffocating your organs…
  • And how healing movements, healing foods, and healing mindset can "reset" your entire system and spark the change you’ve been looking for…

The best part is though, this challenge is specifically for women over 40. Because you’re struggling with challenges most people just simply aren’t. And what I’m about to share has already helped 301,852 women just like you finally regain control of their body…

Helping them lose 14 pounds… 6 inches… and 1 dress size on average.

I say “on average” but there’s nothing average about the results many of these women are enjoying.

Some of our customers have seen exceptional results like losing 26.6 pounds, after years of struggling.

I can’t wait for you to hear their personal story in their own words. It will finally put your doubts to rest about whether there really is hope out there.

But before I do that, let me first introduce myself...

My Name is Danette May, And I Have A Confession To Make...

I wasn’t always the cheerful, successful person you see in front of you.

In fact, there was a time when all I could see was darkness.

Right before my 30th birthday, my entire life came crashing down before me.

It started when I lost my son during childbirth.

After I lost my baby boy, I slipped into a deep, dark depression. This led straight into a devastating divorce that completely wiped me out financially.

He walked out, took all the money, and left me and my two little girls to fend for ourselves.

I was at rock bottom with nothing but $47.63 in my bank account.

But it did give me time to think and find my inner resilience. In fact, I’ll never forget the day everything changed.

I finally motivated myself enough to go for a 30-minute walk, and something clicked. It was like a higher power tapped on my shoulder. In that moment, I made a commitment to use my “muck” as a springboard to pull myself together and inspire women to find the best version of themselves.

And my life has changed DRAMATICALLY since then. Because since that horrible, dark time in my life…

I’ve Become The Founder Of Three
Extremely Successful Companies…

I’ve written 2 best-selling books called The Rise and Embrace Abundance and am the founder of The Rise Movement…

I’ve led a cacao ceremony at Nelson Mandela’s home in South Africa to celebrities and dignitaries…

I’ve keynoted at international events such as Mindvalley’s A-Fest in Portugal, Spain & Mexico, Dave Asprey’s Biohacking Conference, the Bliss Project, and my own 2-day Rise Event where 1200 women gathered in Denver, Colorado…

Danette May.

I’ve held healing retreats that have sold out in 10 minutes even though the price was $15k+...

The videos I’ve created have been seen nearly 1 billion times around the world…

One of my companies was recognized as the 48th fastest-growing company in the country…

I’ve been featured on Access Hollywood, CBS, Hallmark, and WeRiseUp, the documentary where I stood alongside His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Tony Robbins and many others to share our message…

I have private clients who pay me as much as $2,000 for just an hour of my time because of the profound impact I can make on their lives…

Danette May.

Yet less than 12 years ago I was a struggling single mom with only $47 to my name!

Now please, please, please understand… I’m not trying to brag.

My goal is to be an inspiration to anyone who feels like they’re still playing small. I want to show you that whatever your dreams, goals and aspirations are… they are 100% possible for you. ESPECIALLY when it comes to weight loss!

So with that said, let me tell you exactly what I’ve discovered which not only changed my life, but has since helped over 301,852 women just like you finally achieve their dream bodies…


Stress is unavoidable for most people.

Because after all, the demands placed on women today are insane.

Wife… friend… Mom… daughter… employee… shopper… cook… cleaner… organizer… chauffeur… lover… party planner… caretaker… neighbor… listener… argument referee… coach… nurse… accountant… model…

Worried woman in public.

These are just SOME of many roles modern women are supposed to play these days.

Plus you’re expected to do all of these all at the same time…

And God forbid if you do them with anything less than absolute perfection.

Trust me, I get it.

It can get very hard to deal with…

Especially if you have a family, career, or your own business.

But how do you know if you have too much stress in your life?

Well that actually depends on you.

When I’m stressed, I completely shut down...

In the past, I would beat myself up and reach for a sugary snack to numb my feelings. I would ignore my loved ones or get snappy. I would stop taking care of myself and shut off my self-love. I would find ways to sabotage myself and skip workouts.

But then I discovered how those “stress reactions” were impacting me at a cellular level and making it easier for me to put on weight.

I Know That Sounds Kind Of Intense So
Let Me Explain How It Happens…

That’s one main reason it’s so much easier to stay thin in your 20s and even 30s.

But as the years pass, stress floods your system with one particular hormone called cortisol.

Cortisol helps manage how your body uses carbs, fats, and protein.

In short, you want less cortisol because it makes your body want to store fat.

When you have too much cortisol, it “eats up” a healthy hormone called pregnenolone.

Pregnenolone is ESSENTIAL as you age, because it...

Helps support healthy brain function…

Inhibits cortisol which allows for easier weight loss…

Boosts libido…

Promotes positive moods…

And several other things that just make you feel GOOD.

Clearly you want MORE pregnenolone… and LESS cortisol.

But as I mentioned, stress creates cortisol, which lowers pregnenolone. This then makes you more stressed, which promotes fat storage, which creates more cortisol, which lowers pregnenolone.

Obviously this is what you DON’T want.

Even worse is the fact that your body naturally produces less of it each year.

And when you run low it triggers what I call...

“Estrogen Dominance”

As you may know, an abundance of estrogen can cause all sorts of problems, like bloating, anxiety, headaches, weight gain, even hair loss.

It can also slow your metabolism and force your body to convert healthy food into unwanted belly fat.

This gets a little scientific, but stick with me because it’s very important.

Here’s how it works...

Worried woman in bed.
  • First, high levels of estrogen increase a special protein called thyroid-binding globulin, which I’ll call TBG for short...
  • Next, this TBG lowers the availability of metabolic-boosting thyroid hormones called T3 and T4…
  • And low T4 and T3 slow your metabolism and may lead to fat gain, including trouble spots like your midsection…

So in short, estrogen simultaneously slows your metabolism AND enlarges your fat cells…

Which as I’m sure you can agree, is not what you want when you’re trying to lose weight!

This is what makes dieting so frustrating.

Nearly everything stops working for no reason…

The harder you try to lose weight, the harder your body fights back.

That’s why so many women over the age of 40 have SUCH a hard time losing weight.

And what’s worse is that science is now finding out that you can’t out-exercise bad hormones.

In fact, Exercising Too Much Can
Actually STOP Fat Loss...

As you probably know, your body turns carbs into glucose which fuels your entire body.

The problem is… at any given time you only have about 4 grams of glucose in your blood.

That’s less than one teaspoon!

Woman with headache.

As soon as you start exercising, your energy needs go up, and your body starts burning glucose for energy.

But when you exercise too long your body can run out. This triggers a stress response that increases estrogen even further.

In fact, in 2012, scientists compared the difference in weight loss between doing aerobic exercise 30 minutes or 60 minutes, 6 days a week…

And the group that exercised 30 minutes LESS lost 25% MORE weight!

Pretty shocking isn’t it?

Now trust me, I’m absolutely not saying not to exercise…

But I AM saying too much of it can actually make it harder to lose weight for women over 40.

Even more importantly…

This Finally Explains Why Many Diets
Not Only Don’t… But CAN’T Work
For Most Women Over 40...

The fact is, our bodies become different from other people as we begin to age.
Men just seem to always have it easy. Their testosterone drops as they age, but it’s a very slow and steady process.

Younger women also have it easy until around the age of 40.

That’s when things start to go haywire.

And it’s not just exercise that changes… It's also what we eat.

Earlier in life we could eat too much and our bodies would just burn it off…

Or eat too little and our metabolism would spring back to life almost instantly…

But as our hormones change…

  • Our stress increases, which brings on all the issues I mentioned above…
  • Our metabolisms crash if we don’t eat enough…
  • Our ability to regulate blood sugar plummets, which makes fat cling to our body like glue…
  • And several of our hunger hormones skyrocket, creating insatiable cravings…

It’s the perfect storm for fat storage, which explains why so many of the thousands of diet plans out there just don’t work.

Because we’re different.

The “typical” rules for weight loss don’t apply to us.

Now I Imagine You’re Probably Wondering What In The Heck DOES Work,
So Let Me Explain...

Honestly, it’s pretty simple…

You have to use a specific combination of eating, exercise and hormone-balancing techniques that work when your hormones are fighting against you.

Healthy food.
  • Something that reduces your stress so you don’t produce cortisol which makes you store fat after practically every little thing you eat…
  • Something that is easy to follow, without changing your lifestyle or requiring hours in the kitchen every day…
  • Something that makes your hormones happy so achieving your ideal body becomes much easier…
  • Something that quickly gives you more energy so you can stick to it long-term.

It’s taken me a long time to figure this out, but after working with hundreds of thousands of women over the age of 40, I’ve finally figured out a simple program that anybody can follow.

It’s helped my tribe drop an average of 14 pounds… 6 inches… and 1 dress size in my New You Challenge…

And it’s SIMPLE, based around 3 “hormone balancers” which help you achieve the perfect weight with less effort.

The First Hormone Balancer Is Healing Movements

Woman Who Exercise.

If you’re struggling and can’t figure out why nothing is working, make sure you’re not doing too much cardio, because excess cardio can actually increase estrogen.

This is exactly why I recommend short heart-pumping workouts you can do in 20 minutes or less.

Not only are they super fun, but they save time and actually help you burn more fat.

Short, intense workouts help block excess fat storage in two different ways…

  1. First, they lower estradiol, the most dominant form of estrogen. A 2012 Canadian study with 320 women ages 50 to 74, showed that high-intensity exercise can lower both total estradiol and free estradiol.
  2. Second, they increase a hormone called irisin - which transforms unhealthy white fat into energy-rich brown fat and helps prevent the formation of fat cells.

This alone can make a dramatic difference. Especially since these types of workouts make you feel younger and more energetic.

And they work even better when you combine them with....

Our Second Hormone Balancer - Healing Foods

Happy Women.

I’ve been telling people for close to 20 years that eating MORE, not less, helps you lose weight.

I realize that’s very counterintuitive, so let me explain.

You see, when you don’t get enough calories, it disrupts the mechanism that controls estrogen and progesterone, called the HPG axis.

But when you frequently eat the right amount of the right foods, it both lowers estrogen and releases a powerful “fat-burning hormone” called glucagon.

Glucagon Is Known To Burn Fat In 2 Unique Ways…

  1. First, it helps shrink fat cells by converting stored sugar into fuel so you feel more energetic…
  2. And second, it signals lipolysis (fat breakdown) and tells the body to increase how fast it burns fat for energy…

So how do you produce more fat-burning glucagon?

Eat the RIGHT carbs, and consume high-quality protein with each meal.

That’s it!

In fact, the healthiest meals are often the simplest. It’s a simple combination of:


High-quality carbs such as vegetables...

Healthy Fats.

Some healthy fats...

High Quality Protein.

A high-quality protein…

Nothing complicated or restrictive.

Plus when you combine carbs, protein, and fat into one meal… you feel satisfied and full. That reduces cravings so you indulge less.

And in just a minute, I’m going to show you how to make yummy meals in 15 minutes or less and are satisfying, delicious, affordable, and perfect for the entire family.

But before I show you my favorite recipes, we still need to discuss hormone balancer #3...

A Healing Mindset...

Happy Woman.

I’ve literally helped hundreds of thousands of women over 40 years old finally achieve their dream bodies… and what I’ve discovered is that it ALWAYS comes back to a proper mindset.

See, when you’re stuck in the muck it can feel like the entire world is against you.

It can feel like, no matter how hard you try, you just can’t win.

This is why negative emotions stop most women, maybe even you, from feeling, acting, and becoming more attractive.

In fact, David Sarwer, a psychologist from the University of Pennsylvania, recently discovered it’s not enough to lose physical weight. He says you MUST change the way you look in your own mind.

Let’s say you work hard, eat the right foods, and drop 1 dress size. If you don’t change your mindset and see yourself as a slimmer, more attractive version of you, you’ll self-sabotage.

I know this because I’ve personally spoken with thousands of women it’s happened to…

And it’s one of the most common complaints among our customers before they start using our unique approach.

The Fact Is, Your Brain Acts In Response To Your Beliefs And Thought Patterns...

If you lose some weight but your self-image is one of someone overweight - you’ll subconsciously self-sabotage and can start to regain the weight as soon as you lose it.

That's why I created the special program I’m about to share with you.

I wanted to give you the exact roadmap to help you achieve a body you can love...

So you CAN feel comfortable in your own skin...

So you CAN feel more empowered every single day...

So you CAN wear clothes that not just make you look sexy, but make you FEEL sexy.

It’s called...

The 30 Day
New You Challenge

And it’s a combination of my best recipes and fat-burning workouts that offer you a brand new, simple, sustainable approach to weight loss.

It’s specifically for women over 40 who’ve struggled with programs that haven’t worked for them.

It’s for anyone who wants to release up to 14 pounds in the next 30 days like so many previous 30 Day Challenge customers have experienced.

More importantly, it’s for the person who wants to reconnect with their true self-love and FEEL more attractive, more confident and love themselves from the inside out.


I want you to believe that you deserve to live in a beautiful, sexy body…


I want you to discover the power of embracing your muck so you can step into a state of radical self love…


And I want you to believe you can experience life-changing results no matter if you’re 30...50… even 60+!

My 30 day challenge uses a holistic approach of healing foods, healing movements, and healing mindset that has done wonders for tens of thousands of past participants.

Elmaret, one of our most loyal students, was so thrilled with her results that she went through the challenge three times…

"This is my third challenge with Danette and I absolutely love it!"

And it’s not just Elmaret going through the challenge more than once. MANY other members have also decided to participate in the challenge multiple times after finally starting to believe in themselves and for the first time experiencing noticeable results.

It’s not hard to realize why they keep coming back, considering that based on survey results we’ve done with previous challenges…

Our AVERAGE 30 Day Challenge Member
Loses 14 Pounds… 6.3 Inches…
And 1 Dress Size During The Challenge...

That’s pretty amazing for 30 short days!

And this isn’t based on just a few people either. We’ve had hundreds of thousands of women do this 30 Day Challenge with similar results.

And while I could literally write a book containing all the testimonials we’ve received from previous members, let me share just a few of them with you…

DISCLOSURE: In a survey of 17,734 participants with 1,586 responding, participants who followed our program and completed all modules lost an average of 14 pounds and 6 inches in 30 days.

Testimonials, case studies, and examples found on this page are results that have been forwarded to us by users of Mindful Health, LLC products, and may not reflect the typical purchaser’s experience, may not apply to the average person and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results.

Check out some of our most exceptional results below.

Let’s start with Jennifer Bonner. Jennifer started with us when she weighed over 300 pounds and over the next two years, released an insane 154 pounds! That’s because she saw this as a lifestyle change, not just another fad diet.

"I have released 154 pounds in less than 2 years"

“When I started the program almost 3 years ago I was over 300 pounds and had suffered from horrible migraine headaches( over 30 years) that kept me from doing a lot of the things I loved and also was affecting my work.

I have released 154 pounds in less than 2 years and have been maintaining my weight loss for almost a year now, all while enjoying LIFE and not using the gets in the way. This is a lifestyle, not a diet.

Danette gives you all the tools (meal plan, exercise, and meditation) you need to get healthy/lose weight/or feel good about yourself. All you have to do is apply the tools that she gives us to get The LIFE you deserve.

“Thanks to Danette’s program I am enjoying the life I had wanted to live but could not because of my weight and migraines. Even at my heaviest, I was always a happy person but always thought in the back of my mind if I could just get skinny again everything would be better/perfect.”

"Being healthy doesn’t mean being skinny, and being skinny doesn’t mean you are healthy. So I chose to be healthy and be happy with the weight I am because I am enough no matter what I weigh and deserve to enjoy my best life every day!”*

Then there’s Sarah Rimpson. Sarah was in a huge funk in her life when she first found us. Her job was on the line, her relationships were in shambles, she wasn’t happy with her weight, and her emotional and mental health was unstable. Then she joined the 30 Day Challenge and lost 20 pounds faster and easier than with any other diet she’d tried!

“I released 20 pounds...”

“I started getting depressed every time I needed bigger clothes. I’m a college student that was 198lbs when I graduated in 2013 from high school and found myself at 340lbs 6 years later. I was not a very active person and was using studying and working as an excuse not to get up and get moving.

There was even a point in my life I became very negative and bitter and started lashing out at people at any chance they gave me a reason to. I was unhappy.

During the month of December of 2018 I was going through a lot job-wise and relationship-wise which really affected my emotional and mental health; Scrolling through my Facebook newsfeed I came across Danette’s video and I took a leap of faith but experienced a sense of vulnerability and trust uproot itself the moment I clicked “pay now”.

All of a sudden I was getting a sense of an overwhelming fear like maybe I should pull out. I’m not ready for this.

After watching Danette’s video explaining to me the emotions I was going through during the exact time I was feeling them, I sat at my desk writing out exactly what she said I was going through and sat there in less worry and started telling myself I’m safe. I released 20 pounds during my 30 day challenge!”*

Next we have Pamela Caughman. She came to us with really bad joint issues because of her excess weight. This was keeping her from enjoying the amazing amenities and activities her adult community had to offer, so she decided to try it out. And thank God she did, because after going through the challenge and continuing to live the lifestyle, she lost an incredible 65 pounds in less than 2 years!

“I have released 65 pounds”

“New Years of 2017 I was a hot mess. In the years prior I had been struggling with arthritis in my joints and a very stressful travelling job.

Between the weight and the arthritis pain, I couldn’t enjoy all the amazing amenities and activities my active adult community has to offer. ”

“I decided it was time to get my act together and over the 2017 Holiday season I saw Danette’s program pop up on my Facebook feed and I impulsively clicked to learn more. I joined the 30-day challenge and have not looked back! Since then and being part of Danette's program I have released 65 pounds and still counting.”*

And then we have Nadine Scott. Nadine was a serial dieter, having tried every diet program under the sun. She initially tried running, eventually running full marathons, but still couldn’t shed her weight. At the beginning of her first challenge she was a size 8, and just a few short months later she’d shrunk herself down to a slim size 4. Plus she felt so much more confident and comfortable in her skin with a renewed sense of positivity.

“I wore a size 8, four months later, I am wearing a very loose size 4”

“I was what you would call a serial dieter. I have tried every diet program under the sun, but none had lasting results. I am an avid runner and even with running 2-3 half marathons and a full marathon a year I was never able to shed the weight and be content. My weight was constantly fluctuating, and I always felt deprived and tired during and after each diet.

Over the last couple of years, I have also been experiencing really low energy. In January 2019 I decided to sign up and commit to doing the program.

The best decision I have ever made.

At the end of the challenge, my clothes were fitting much looser and the proof that I lost weight was in my before and after pictures. I was feeling so energized – it was almost like I had a new body. I was waking up feeling full of life and I was way less cranky with my husband and my girls.

When I started Danette’s program in January 2019 I wore a size 8, four months later, I am wearing a very loose size 4 – my smallest size since having kids. I feel so much more confident and comfortable in my own skin. I look to each new day with a deep sense of gratitude.“*

Next we have April Kubachka. She suffered the tragic loss of her teenage son in 2008 and began understandably eating her way through her emotions. This of course packed on a ton of extra weight both mentally and physically for her. She finally found and tried the 30 Day Challenge… losing an impressive 40 pounds along with a renewed confidence she hadn’t felt in years!

“The byproduct of this healing and self-love was a forty-pound weight release...”

“November 22, 2008, my world completely shattered with the death of my teenage son. I went into survival mode, trying to finish nursing school while grieving for my son. I ate my way through college, packing on forty pounds. It took years of counselling and soul searching to integrate my son’s tragic death into my life. Still, the extra pounds remained and literally began weighing me down.”

“When I finally felt ready to take back my life in July 2018, I searched for weight loss programs and stumbled upon Danette May. I joined the 30-Day Challenge and upon delving deeper into the program, I found it encompassed so much more than just weight loss. It showed me how to peel away the proverbial layers of an onion of my life in order to access my core and be able to Rise up into my truest self.

The program’s trifecta of love - healing movement, healing foods and healing mindset – did just that. It helped me to heal myself. The byproduct of this healing and self-love was a forty-pound weight release on the program and renewed confidence in myself that I hadn’t felt in years.”*

Now again, I could tell you stories like this all day…

Like Thomasina Maxwell who lost 8.4 pounds while adding a more positive, relaxed mindset…

“I have released 8.4 pounds!”

On June 30, 2019, my 60th birthday was the day I decided it was time for a change. Since starting the Thirty Day Challenge, I have more energy. I am up between 4:30 and 5:00 each morning.

I have learned to enjoy preparing my meals and I have a much more positive, yet relaxed, mind frame.*

Or Chelsea May who lost 18 lbs and 13.5 inches…

“I have lost a total of 18lbs and 13 1/2 inches!”

I have gone down about 2 pant sizes.

My work uniform pants are getting so big, if I lose another inch or two they’ll totally fall off WHILE buttoned and zipped!*

Or Jamie Spring who lost 2 jean sizes…

"I lost 2 jean sizes! Most importantly I feel wonderfully!"*

DISCLOSURE: In a survey of 17,734 participants with 1,586 responding, participants who followed our program and completed all modules lost an average of 14 pounds and 6 inches in 30 days.

Testimonials, case studies, and examples found on this page are results that have been forwarded to us by users of Mindful Health, LLC products, and may not reflect the typical purchaser’s experience, may not apply to the average person and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results.

Honestly we get so many, so often, I’m telling you I can fill AT LEAST 1 entire book, if not more...

And That’s Why
This Challenge Is So Unique...

I help women get results when they seem to be following all the rules but nothing is working.

Most fitness experts are focused on what to eat and how to move your body. They’re obsessed with following specific (e.g. strict) rules, forcing you to ONLY eat specific foods and do specific, unsustainable workouts.

Considering most women are NOT successfully losing weight and keeping it off, following a strict diet is clearly not enough.

I’ve discovered your MIND is the key to lasting weight loss.

If you believe “food sticks to your hips if you just look at it” or you aren’t worthy to be sexy, your subconscious mind will sabotage ALL your weight loss efforts - REGARDLESS of what program you’re following.

Couple that with a focus on healing foods and healing movements (with plenty of wiggle room so it’s easy to follow) and you can see why it’s so powerful!

So Here’s What This All
Means To YOU...

  • It means you NEVER have to “starve yourself thin” again - you’ll actually eat MORE tasty foods than you are right now which helps reduce cravings!
  • It means you can ENJOY hese low-impact workouts in your home, in nature, or even in the office, and get them done in just 10-20 minutes without paying for a gym membership. Plus you’ll never spend another minute struggling through long bouts of boring exercises…
  • It means you can LOVE the process and embrace the muck while you enjoy satisfying and delicious meals every single day…
  • It means you can ELIMINATE self-sabotaging habits and beliefs so you can pave the way to loving your body and yourself…
  • And it means you can ADJUST your diet & exercise around your life, so you can enjoy the rest of your life WHILE getting in the best shape of your life (imagine that!)...

This challenge contains everything you’ll need to...

Fight Hormone Imbalance, Flatten Your Belly And Have Your Friends & Family In Awe…
In Just 30 Days...

See, I know what it feels like to get “stuck in the muck” of life.

But I also know how to get out of the muck and use it as a source of strength and healing.

When you step out of your comfort zone by embracing the muck, you make space for new beginnings in your life.

You discover a new way to love yourself and become a better version of yourself.

Now with that said, let me explain EXACTLY what you’ll get when you join the 30 Day Challenge today.

First, you’ll get our
Step-By-Step Action Guide

Many women fail to lose weight because they get stuck, overwhelmed, or confused. I REFUSE to let that happen to you.

With the 30 Day New You Challenge you’ll get access to my step-by-step action guide which shows you how to detox your body and support the body's natural ability to balance hormones. It explains EXACTLY what to do, when to do it, how to do it, and why.

You won’t get confused or overwhelmed like you might have been with other programs. Follow the exact day-by-day, step-by-step plan (which should take half an hour or less) and watch your confidence soar as you fall back in love with your beautiful, amazing body.

Next, you’ll get our 30-Day Fast,
Simple, Affordable Meal Plan

  1. These meal plans are SUPER filling and satisfying.
    You’ll eat 6 delicious meals per day to keep you filled and satisfied for hours. Most diets force you to starve all day. Yet our 30 Day Challengers come to me constantly telling me how they’re eating so much, they have to skip some of the meals! 
  2. But my favorite part is how DELICIOUS these meals are.
    I don’t know about you, but I LOVE food! I hate bland/boring food, and I know you do too. Every recipe you’ll get is absolutely delicious. You’ll wonder how something so healthy could be so yummy! I’ve even included healthier versions of your favorite desserts if you have a big sweet tooth!

Every day you'll eat things like...

Banana Pancakes

Chicken Stir Fry

Chocolate Chip
Cookie Dough

Lemon Chicken Pasta

Mango Smoothie

Southwestern Grilled Tuna


Yummy Yogurt Treat

And sooo many more incredibly healthy, filling, satisfying, delicious meals.

Plus of course you’ll also get my
Fast, Fun, Gentle,
Metabolism-Boosting Workout Plan…

Our previous students RAVE about my workouts.


Here are the top five reasons you’ll love them too…

  • First, they’re easy on the joints. Many of our older members suffer from achy joints, making it hard for them to exercise. I hear you! These exercises are very gentle on your joints. I’ll show you simple modifications so you can still benefit even if you’re in pain. In fact, they’ll make you feel even BETTER because you can easily follow along at any level of fitness!
  • Second, they’re fast and effective. Forget everything you’ve heard about long, hard workouts! They have them on TV shows because it’s entertaining to watch. But it’s usually not effective or safe! All you need is 10-20 minutes to ignite your metabolism.
  • Third, you can do them anywhere. You can do these bodyweight exercises in your living room, in your office, or even outside. You only need about as much space as a yoga mat.
  • Fourth, they fit your schedule. It doesn’t matter if you do them in the morning, before/after you eat, or any other time. I keep things SIMPLE so you can easily fit these workouts into your already busy lifestyle.
  • Fifth, they’re fun. If you’re like most women, you DREAD your workouts. That will all change when you try these because I’ve made them specifically to be FUN. That way you actually look forward to them!
  • Sixth, they’re free. You won’t have to buy a gym membership or use any equipment, machines or fancy gizmos. You can do them in the comfort of your own home using nothing but your body.

And finally, you’ll get our
Healing Meditations...

Healing Meditations PDF Digital Download.

Remember, this isn’t just about losing weight in the next 30 days. It’s about KEEPING it off for the rest of your life. The 30 Day New You Challenge revolves around healing foods, healing movements, and a healing mindset.

That’s why I’m also including 4 weeks of my favorite meditations. These were created to rewire your subconscious brain so eating healthier, moving more, and loving yourself more becomes practically automatic.

Each meditation requires just a few minutes of your day, and it will become one of your favorite parts of the day.

The best part is, there’s really nothing required from you! Simply sit, turn them on, and tune into your body as the meditations help rewire your subconscious to support your goals.

Now that’s just the program itself.

And on top of ALL of that...

I’ve Decided To Add In Two Premium Bonuses If You Say “YES” To Your New Body… Your New Mind… Your New YOU… Today...

The first bonus is access to my private Facebook group to help you lose up to 475% more weight while keeping it off long-term...

Did you know that your chances of losing more weight AND keeping it off long-term go up dramatically if you’re part of a support group during the process?

Studies show that being in an online support group while losing weight can help you lose up to 475% more weight in the same time period…

AND help you keep off 42% more of that weight over the long term

That way you can interact with peers going through it at the same time as you, but also be able to learn from those who’ve done it before you and see what worked best for them.

Plus it’s just more fun to interact with everyone else going through this challenge with you for the full 30 days.

  1. You’ll have constant support and reassurance from those struggling with the same challenges as you…
  2. You’ll get your questions answered quickly so you’re never stuck wondering what to do next…
  3. Plus you’ll get inspired and motivated by others which is a great way to stay on track…
  4. You’ll even get direct access to myself and my team to coach you through any rough patches!

Our previous members LOVED this group and the supportive environment it creates. It’s so fun and energizing.

We’ve seen many friendships form that continue to this day!

And on top of all that, you’ll also receive our...

Full-body Muscle Imbalance And
Stretching Series

Stretching Series Bonus.

As we age, old body patterns you’ve been using for years can cause imbalances.

When there’s an imbalance it usually manifests in the lower back, hip, knees, and/or glute area. This is why tightness in any of those areas can make it difficult to do certain exercises or make it feel like you’ll hurt yourself if you move a certain way.

In fact, when I was working as a personal trainer I would often get clients coming to me saying that their doctor was recommending steroid shots or even surgery if they had pain in their bodies.

I’m proud to say that what I’m about to show you can help correct those imbalances and feel mobile and limber… without resorting to extreme, risky methods.

This specialized program shows you how to strengthen and stretch the microfibers in your muscles that affect your hips, knees and lower back.

Danette May Stretching.

It walks you through specific stretches and movements you can use for alleviating pain, tension, or misalignment in all three of those areas.

But I’m adding something NEW that nobody else does…

Along with the movements, you’ll also get healing affirmations. These work synergistically with the movements to help you release “stuck” emotions. These stuck emotions can manifest themselves as tightness and pain.

Many times it’s not your actual joints that need releasing, but emotions!

And when you combine the movements with the affirmations, you’ll unlock a new way to limber up and feel virtually years younger than you do right now.

There are 5 main benefits to doing it this way…

  • First, you’ll enjoy full body alignment. I’ll show you how to realign your hips and spine using exercises that pull back arched forward shoulders and back-relaxing postural stretches.
  • Then there’s knee mobility. If you’ve had knee pain or discomfort you’ll love how these movements will help keep your joints lubricated, moving freely and pain-free when done regularly.
  • Next you’ll enjoy flexible hips. Everything in your body is interconnected. That’s why tight hips can often manifest as neck issues. Here you’ll learn how to unlock your hips so you have a much longer range of motion and an easier time moving your entire body.
  • Plus you’ll enjoy a limber lower back. That way, you’re more confident in your movements and can strengthen these muscles during the 30-day NEW YOU Challenge.
  • Finally, I’ll show you how to release “stuck” emotions. This is crucial for forgiving yourself and discovering an even deeper sense of self-love, which positively impacts every aspect of your life.

Now let me be clear, this is not just for people in moderate pain. It’s for anyone who wants to create balance and realign their entire body so they can avoid pain even as they age.

When your body is in perfect alignment it becomes easier to move. When you move more freely your workouts become more effective. This all helps you feel younger and get better results.

Pretty amazing right? But that's not all!


During your New You 30 Day Challenge, eliminate stubborn belly fat! Get exclusive access to my FREE $500 bonus lesson - "Crush Cortisol: Master Your Nervous System & Melt Away Fat."

This powerful lesson reveals the science behind cortisol, the "stress hormone" that makes your body cling to belly fat.  You'll learn my BEST techniques to regulate your nervous system, boosting your weight loss in the Challenge and keeping the pounds off for the long haul when you stick with the program!

This bonus includes my full video lesson & downloadable worksheet to guide you through the process, maximizing your results and sculpting the flat belly you've always dreamed of.

Don't miss out! This exclusive bonus expires soon!

Well It’s Not As Amazing As What
I’m About To Share Next...

You see, the BEST part about all of this is I’m letting you have ALL of this… along with a lifetime of improved self-worth… for less than the price of a single session with a personal trainer.

I used to be a personal trainer and charged people $200 per hour… and that was over a dozen years ago! I now charge people as much as $2,000 per hour to work personally with me because this is so much more than just “weight loss”.

This is a complete shift in your inner and outer identity.

But let’s just compare it to a typical personal trainer.

These days, it would be hard finding a good personal trainer for under $50 per hour. Which is why we thought of charging $197 for this program.

Because after all, we’re teaching you EVERYTHING a personal trainer ever could, and so much more…

Yet you get to keep the meal plans and have me “by your side” doing these workouts FOREVER. Not to mention an entire support group cheering you on and acting as your personal coaches as well.

So We Thought Charging $197
Was Easily Justifiable...

And that’s not even including all the stuff money can’t buy…

  • Like falling in love with your new body every time you look in the mirror...
  • Or the satisfaction of sliding into a favorite pair of jeans you haven’t worn in years…
  • Or the joy of being able to eat your favorite foods in moderation and enjoy every delicious bite without feeling guilty…
  • Or the thrill of being able to go on a nature walk knowing you could walk circles around people 10 years younger than you…
  • Or just the confidence of knowing that you’re taking care of your body in the best way possible…

Personally, I think that’s worth much more than $197.

But I wanted to make sure this was a complete no-brainer for you…

So instead of charging $197…

I’m Offering You A Huge 76% discount
When You Join Us Today...

Rather than asking you to pay the regular price of $197, I’d like to offer you an incredible deal…

When you join the next 30-Day New You Challenge by clicking the link below…

I’ll give you instant access to everything I’ve promised you today, including...

Component #1: Step-By-Step Action Guide

Which explains step-by-step how to detox your body and rebalance your hormones, so you never have to feel stuck ever again...

Component #2: 30-Day Fast, Simple, Affordable Meal Plan

Which includes yummy, delicious meals you can prepare in 15 minutes or less, that keep you filled and satisfied for hours…

Component #3: Metabolism-Boosting Workout Plan

Which you can do in 20 minutes or less in the comfort of your own home, that are not only super fun, but also easy on your joints...


Bonus #1: Private Facebook Group

For round-the-clock support, motivation, inspiration, and direct access to myself and my team during the next 30 days…

Bonus #2: The Muscle Imbalance Stretching Series

To realign your entire body, help reduce the risk of moderate pain, and increase the effectiveness of your workouts and help you achieve success faster by improving how your body moves…

… all for a one-time payment of just $47.

That’s a 76% discount!

And a $150 total savings.

Now if you’re ready to join us, just scroll below and you’ll see a link which will take you to our secured checkout page. Just fill that out and we’ll give you all the details on how to get started.

If you’re still a little hesitant, I also want you to know that your investment today is backed by our 60-day, 100% money-back guarantee.

30 Day Challenge Comes with a Complete, 60-Day Money-Back Guarantee!

Talk is cheap, that's why I put my money where my mouth is! Try the 30 Day Challenge. Then take some time to ensure the transformation you've created is real, and long-term. In fact, take 60 days, just to be sure!

If, within 60 days from purchasing the program, you're not completely, 100% satisfied... if your friends and family don't acknowledge how amazing and vibrant you look... then I'll refund all your money. No questions, no hassles. I'm dead serious.

Simply email or by calling 888-997-3851 and you’ll receive a prompt refund!

You see, even though I’ve already told you this has worked for hundreds of thousands of women, I get that you’ve probably tried a million things already and might be skeptical.

That’s why I’m letting you go through the entire challenge yourself… and if you’re somehow not thrilled with the dramatic transformation in your mind, body, and spirit, simply contact our customer service department for a 100% refund.

Again - I’m Literally Giving You EVERYTHING Without You Having To Risk A Single Penny...

I don’t think many other people would be that confident in their product, but as you’ve seen, hundreds of thousands of women have already gone through the challenge and have lost 14 pounds… 6 inches… and 1 dress size on average.

So it’s not a question of whether or not it works.

It’s a question of whether or not you’re ready to step into the fullest version of yourself.

I truly believe you are, and I can only hope that you are too.

So if you’re ready, just scroll down and click the big “Yes I’m Ready” button. Then fill in your information on the next page and we’ll send you all the details on how to get started.


Regular Price


Discounted Price

Only $47!

Just Remember,
This Decision Is Now Yours...

You’ve seen all the scientific studies… the testimonials... all the reasons why the next 30 days could drastically change your life and transform the way you love yourself.

So as I see it, you have 1 of 3 choices…

  • The first choice is to do nothing and give up. Then look back in 30 days and realize you had the chance to make one important decision, to try a program that’s already helped thousands of women step fully into their self-love.
  • The second choice is to keep doing what you’re doing and keep struggling with diets and workout programs that don’t work and watch your metabolism get slower and slower as the years go by, instead of joining the others and discovering how to feel comfortable in your own skin.
  • Or the third choice is to join the 30 Day New You Challenge risk-free and enjoy one of the most effective, life-changing transformation programs, backed by real science, and filled with success stories of men and women losing up to 14 pounds in 30 days.

There’s really nothing more I can say to help show you that this is right for you.

If you’re tired of empty promises and ineffective programs that do nothing to help you feel comfortable in your own skin…

And if you’re tired of missing out on all the fun in life simply because you’re not expressing your true self...

Then right now is the perfect opportunity to become fully alive and step into the real, most authentic version of you.

The person who inspires, and lives each day to its fullest. The fun-loving person you were BEFORE your body turned against you. Right now is your chance.

Imagine waking up 30 short days from now and springing out of bed full of energy. Imagine hauling boxes full of clothes to the Goodwill while you blossom into a stronger, more powerful, more confident version of you.

Don’t forget, your decision is 100% protected by our 60-day risk-free guarantee. If for any reason you’re not thrilled with your results you’ll receive a 100% refund. It’s as simple as that.

So go ahead, scroll down below to join the 30-day challenge. The next 30-60 seconds could change the rest of your life so go ahead and order right now. It’s time to put an end to your suffering, and it’s definitely time to drop the baggage that’s been holding you back.

Regardless of your decision, I want to thank you and I truly hope to see you in the community.

Frequently Asked Questions

This sounds amazing how do I know it will work for me?

This answer varies for everyone depending on many different factors. In fact, here’s why you’ll want to consider taking advantage of this offer…

  • You’ll discover how to eat more food and avoid devastating hunger that drives you crazy…
  • You’ll save hundreds by working out in the comfort of your own home…
  • You’ll meet new inspirational friends and form life-long bonds…
  • You’ll discover how your body works and how to overcome what’s holding you back both physically and mentally…

What’s so unique about the 30 Day New You Challenge?

The 30 Day New You Challenge is not your typical program. It’s based on the success of three pillars, healing movement, healing foods, and a healing mindset. It wasn’t created to show women “what to eat” but to show them how to live a better life based on a few simple principles. It takes you by the hand and shows you the power of food. It shows you how to move your body. It shows you how to empower yourself, even when you’re stuck in the muck. Plus, it acts like a guiding light to show you a path to self-love.

How can I get the best results during the program?

Great question. The simple answer is simply follow the program. See, we’ve already helped over 1,564 women drop an average of 14 pounds… 6 inches… and 1 dress size in just 30 days. This program is the best of everything we’ve learned along the way.

Will these workouts cause any joint pain?

I’ll show you how to modify each exercise so you don’t put any excess strain on sore joints.

Do you have a list of “substitute foods”?

Absolutely. I understand some people won’t like every ingredient I suggest so I’ve created a tag-along sheet so you can tailor-fit each meal, including vegetarian options.

What kind of results should I expect?

While I can’t guarantee your results, I can promise that if you’ll take this program seriously, you will walk away a stronger, more powerful version of you.

* For maximum results, combine this program with a healthy diet and regular exercise to help manage weight and avoid storing body fat. Statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Testimonials, case studies, and examples found on this page are results that have been forwarded to us by users of Mindful Health, LLC products and related products, and may not reflect the typical purchaser’s experience, may not apply to the average person and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. DISCLOSURE: In a survey of 17,734 participants with 1,586 responding, participants who followed our program and completed all modules lost an average of 14 pounds and 6 inches in 30 days. Testimonials, case studies, and examples found on this page are results that have been forwarded to us by users of Mindful Health, LLC products, and may not reflect the typical purchaser’s experience, may not apply to the average person and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results.

Danette May has been

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The Observer.
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